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The All Babies Initiative works collaboratively across the Wabash Valley all in an effort to advance the greater good. Below are examples of partnerships in the making to tackle food insecurity and access.

Food as Prescription

Vigo County's food insecurity rate (16.1%) is higher than both the state and national average. In an attempt to better serve pregnant women and their families who are food insecure, partners within the All Babies Initiative are piloting a program with pregnant women that connects them with food, education, support and incentives. 


These partners include Purdue Extension, Catholic Charities in Terre Haute, Lugar Center for Rural Health, Indiana State University, WIC, and Perinatal Navigation staff. The pilot is began in October of 2021 with a program planned to launch in February 2022. 

The All Babies Healthy Homes Initiative seeks to improve the living environments of pregnant and parenting families, reduce hospital admissions related to unhealthy homes, and increase awareness of environmental health factors and how they impact the health and well being of the Wabash Valley community.


This new partnership with the Union Health Foundation, US Environmental Protection Agency, and community partners is launching in February 2022.”

Healthy Homes Initiative


The Indiana Department of Health has continued to make investments in the infrastructure of Indiana's perinatal framework to better serve Hoosier women. Beginning in 2020, MyHealthyBaby launched in collaboration with partners across the state that links women who find out they're pregnant with Home Visiting programs in their community. Beginning in August of 2021, the All Babies Initiative is excited to partner with MyHealthyBaby to ensure pregnant women throughout the Wabash Valley are linked with adequate prenatal care and wrap around services.

The All Babies Initiative works to support families and infants to overcome barriers to a healthy life.

P: 812.238.8171
F: 812.238.7439

AllBabies-B&Y (3)_edited.jpg

West Central Indiana Healthy Start Initiative is supported through a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Grant #H49MC32727
Union Hospital's Perinatal Navigator and Home OB Programs are supported by grant funding from the Indiana Department of Health

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